Former NASA astronaut Ronald Galland didn’t just spend 178 days floating in space to find out that the Earth isn’t flat.
Rather, he said, we All humans live by telling lies.
The 62-year-old was looking out over the Earth, but what he found was unexpected.
During his career, he flew 71 million miles in 2,842 orbits. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)Ronald has certainly experienced the “overview effect” many times.
NASA astronaut Ron Garant wakes up in space (ALEXANDER NEMENOV/AFP via Getty Images)
This term is scientist It’s the same “unexpected, overwhelming emotion” that astronauts feel when they look down at Earth from space.
A former NASA astronaut was aboard the International Space Station when he spotted a long line of light stretching out into space. Asia.
He realised it was a man-made structure on the border between India and Pakistan.
In a 2016 TED Talk, he Said“At first I thought it was just a strange reflection of moonlight on the river.
“I was intrigued. Turns out, it wasn’t a natural reflex.
“I’ve always said that you can’t see borders from space, but it seems I was wrong.
“From space, Earth almost always appears beautiful and peaceful.
“But is this an example of humans altering a landscape that is clearly visible from space?”

During his NASA career, Ronald completed 2,842 orbits and traveled 71 million miles. (Erika Goldring/Getty Images)
And in 2022 interview At Big Think, Ronald spoke about why he believes humans are “living a lie” and why he thinks our general outlook on everyday life is upside down.
He explained: “Looking out the window of the International Space Station, I saw paparazzi-like flashes of lightning and saw dancing curtains of the aurora borealis so close I could reach out and touch them.”
“And I learned that the Earth’s atmosphere is incredibly thin.
“At that moment, I was struck by the solemn realization that this paper-thin layer sustains the life of every living thing on Earth.
“I saw a rainbow-coloured biosphere teeming with life.

He acknowledges that Earth looks “beautiful and peaceful” from space. (Getty Stock Images)
“I didn’t see economyBut our manmade systems treat everything, including Earth’s life support systems, as wholly owned subsidiaries of the global economy, so from space it’s clear we’re living a lie.”
He argued that there was a need to focus on more important issues. Climate CrisisNot the economy.
“From space, it’s clear that we are living a lie,” Galland added.
“We need to move from an economy-society-planet mindset to a planet-society-economy mindset, and only then will we continue our evolutionary process.”
“When they realize how interconnected and interdependent we all are, they start to have an epiphany.
“There will be no peace on Earth until we recognize the fundamental truth of the interconnected structure of all reality.”