The threat of cancer It’s a big hit for many, but consumers can take certain wise and preventative measures to reduce the risk.
Michelle Patider, Chicago’s Integrated Nutrition and Cancer Recovery Coach, said in a recent Instagram post that she continues to fight cancer, and that she has since survived. I shared a specific step that I took.
In a recent video she posted on social media, Patidar shared a list of “things you’ll never find in my kitchen after being diagnosed with cancer at 32.”
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Recovery coach said she did after she finished cancer treatment “Total kitchen overhaul”. ”
She wrote, “But don’t get me wrong, I slowly made changes. As things ran out, I replaced them with a non-toxic version.”
Michelle Patider (pictured above) replaced the ultra-processed food with more whole foods, and made other changes to her kitchen and home. (Michelle Patider, Istock)
“It took me a little while, but I feel like I’m in control of my health. Eliminate harmful toxic products From my kitchen! ”
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A complete list of items that Patider said she had eliminated, and her replacements.
Items that disappeared from her kitchen – and their replacement
1. Refined oil will be replaced by Extra virgin olive oilbutter grown in avocado oil, coconut oil, ghee and grass.
2. Non-stick cooking utensils It can be replaced with stainless steel and cast iron cooking utensils.
3. Aluminum foil It will be replaced with unbleached parchment.
4. Plastic container and sandwich bagS is replaced with glass containers and paper bags.

Cancer survivors avoid non-stick cooking utensils and choose stainless steel and cast iron options instead. (istock)
Incidentally, Patider saw this as a “easy swap” and said, “I say no to plastic as often as possible.”
5. Scented candle It can be replaced with “delicious” essential oils.
6. Plastic water bottle It will be replaced by glass and stainless steel.
7. Plastic Cutting Board It will be replaced by wooden cutting boards.
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8. Ultra-processed food It will be replaced Whole Foods “No sugar, food dyes, or harmful preservatives” snacks.
9. Toxic Kitchen Cleaning Supplies It will be replaced by non-toxic cleaning products.
“And wow, how did that make a difference,” she said.

“I say no to plastic as often as possible,” the cancer survivor said. (istock)
Patidar told Fox News Digital that as a seven-year cancer survivor, “it will become aware of the importance of looking at health from an overall perspective.”
“Nutrition and exercise are important factors, but it’s important to consider other factors, such as our environment and the products we use every day,” she said.
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“Our choices play an important role in our company, including the cleaning products we use, the quality of indoor air and water, and the type of cooking utensils we choose. Overall happiness. ”
She added that “even seemingly harmless items” such as plastic water bottles and storage containers and “contribute to our wider health.”

Patidar posted a video on Instagram in October 2024. “It’s important to note that even a single exchange from this list is a step towards improving overall health and better cancer prevention,” she said. (instagram/
She said she believes that making these changes “has reduced exposure to harmful chemicals and plastic particles along with the switch to safer cooking utensils.”
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She reported that by focusing on “high-quality fats and oils” instead of processed foods, patiders were able to reduce chronic inflammation – “It’s important for cancer prevention and recovery.”
“In addition, replacing candles with essential oils has improved the quality of the indoor air,” she said. “There is often a significant penalty for the ‘convenience’ of toxic products. ”
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“It is important to note that even one exchange from this list can boost your overall health and is a step towards better cancer prevention.”