I don’t think 5 minutes is enough time Health and happiness?
In fact, it may be enough time to stop the illness that afflicts many people in later years.
Light exercise for just 5 minutes a day can help prevent dementia Frail elderlynew research has been discovered.
The risk of dementia can be reduced by one important medical device
The latest research on this topic was led by researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland.
They found to engage in medium to active for just 35 minutes Physical activity Per week – indeed, in comparison, the risk of developing dementia over an average of 4 years of follow-up was associated with a 41% lower risk.
Even people at high risk for “negative health effects,” greater activity was associated with a lower risk of dementia, a new study found. (istock)
The findings were recently published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association and were shared across several medical sites.
Even those at increased risk for “unfavorable health outcomes,” the researchers noted that greater activity was associated with a lower risk of dementia.
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The more physical activity you have, the lower your risk of dementia.
Consider this data from this study. Risk of dementia It was 60% lower among participants who obtained 35-69.9 minutes of physical activity/week. 63% lower in the 70-139.9 minutes/week category. 69% lower in the 140 minute and week/week category.
Every 30 minutes of moderate to active physical activity each week, the risk of dementia was reduced by 4%.
For their analysis, researchers analyzed a data set covering approximately 90,000 adults living in the UK wearing smartwatch-type activity trackers, news agency SWNS reported.
“Our findings suggest that physical activity can be increased even in five minutes per day,” said Dr. Amal Wanigatonga, the lead research author. Reduces the risk of dementia in elderly people.“

“Low-dose exercise may reduce the risk of dementia even in frail elderly people.” (istock)
Dementia usually affects millions of people around the world, in the form of Alzheimer’s disease.
“Better than anyone else”
Public health guidelines usually recommend moderate activity for 150 minutes a week, but this study is consistent with increasing evidence in favour of a “not in any form” approach to physical activity.
The median age of participants in the new study was 63 years old.
And while the risk of Alzheimer’s disease increases with age, recent research suggests that it may be somewhat preventable. Certain lifestyle changesincluding better control of cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose, SWN pointed out.
Participants in the new study were median age of 63 years. Women accounted for 56% of the sample.
4. Over a 4-year average follow-up period, 735 people in the group developed dementia.

Movement is well known to benefit a person’s physical and mental well-being. New research suggests that low-dose exercise for just five minutes of light per day may help reduce the risk of dementia. (istock)
The researchers found that with each additional 30 minutes of moderate to active physical activity (MVPA) each week, the risk of dementia was reduced by 4%.
However, the most “impressive” findings came when comparing non-physical activity with those who were able to get a totally minimal amount.
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“This suggests that even older adults may be able to reduce their risk of dementia through low-dose exercise,” Wanigatonga said.
He noted that the study was not a clinical trial that established a causal relationship that showed reduced exercise. Dementia riskHowever, the findings are consistent with that hypothesis.
“The association between more activity and a lower risk of dementia remained strong.”
“To confirm that their findings may reflect undiagnosed dementia leading to reduced physical activity,” News Medimer said, although the researchers repeated their analysis, the first of their follow-up He excluded a diagnosis of dementia over the course of two years.”
“The association between more activity and a lower risk of dementia remained strong.”
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Dr. Marc Siegel, a senior medical analyst and professor of clinical medicine at NYU Langone Health and Fox News, was not involved in the study, but shared his response to the “significant” findings.
“This is not evidence, it’s not just a association, but it’s very useful for groups who are thinking, ‘Because we can’t do a lot of exercise due to illness or disability, why do that?’ This study suggests that even small amounts are useful. ”

The beneficial effects could also be linked to healthier lifestyle decisions, doctors said. (istock)
There are many mechanisms that can explain this effect, Siegel said – “mainly increasing blood flow to the brain, improving the disposal of metabolic waste and reducing inflammation.”
“It is also likely to be linked to healthier lifestyle decisions that reduce the appearance of neuroinflammation, dysregulation and plaque layers that characterize dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease,” the doctor added.
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Some of these include sleep, diet and engagement, he said.
The National Institute of Aging Funding Funded the research.