If you want to live a long and healthy life, it pays to be conscious of what you put into your body.
Of course, there are medical wonders out there who claim their secret to living to 100 is smoking consecutive cigars and chugging whiskey, but the chances of you being one of them are slim.
For the rest of us, The food we eat and the drinks we drink It makes a big difference, and chances are you already have some idea of what is good and what isn’t.
but, TikTok Cardiac surgeon Dr. Jeremy London He created a video highlighting the four foods and drinks he thinks you should avoid.
Of course, typical health All the foods and fashions he says to avoid are really popular.
You know it’s not healthy, but do you really care? Your future self will care. (Getty Stock Photo)
Fast food
“Most of what’s served at fast food chains is ‘edible food,’ not even real food,” the cardiac surgeon said.
By now you probably know that most of what you can order from a fast food restaurant is there for taste and convenience, not as part of a healthy, balanced diet.
but, It’s important to be conscious of what you’re eating. And ultimately, that’s not very good for you.
It’s probably okay every once in a while — you’re not going to collapse from clogged arteries because of that Big Mac you ate three months ago — but if it’s a big part of your diet, you might want to think again.

Mmm, sweet. (Getty Stock Photo)
Soft drink
If fast food tops the list, the things we use to wash it down most of the time are easily in second place.
This applies to “both diet and regular soft drinks,” incidentally, and Dr London described it as “liquid death.”
Not to be confused with the actual beverage company Liquid Death. They got Steve-O to do some pretty crazy things for the promotion..
Going back to soft drinks, they are usually loaded with sugar. Even if they don’t contain sugar, Health warnings have been issued in some parts of the world..

A truly wonderful counterpoint. (Getty Stock Photo)
Dairy products
Sorry, but cheese may be delicious and you may have milk on your cereal every morning, but a heart surgeon is not going to be happy about that.
“Humans are the only mammals that drink milk outside of infancy, and we drink milk from a different species. Think about that,” he said.
I’ve thought about it, and I think I’d probably die a happier person if I’d continued to eat cheese my whole life, rather than whatever extra time I’d gain by going without cheddar, or by not working in Wensleydale.
Surely you expected this, because there are few things more dangerous than drinking actual poison, whether mocked or swallowed, much less drinking something that impairs your decision-making abilities.
The doctor said alcohol is “undoubtedly toxic to every cell in the body” and that “even moderate or occasional consumption” will have a detrimental effect on the body.
He tells his viewers to “stop actively poisoning your bodies,” which is a tall order.