Quantum computing company Quantinuum recently unveiled a quantum computer that it claims can beat the breakthrough results of Google’s computer by 100 times.
Google’s results from 2019 show that, using a specific test called the Linear Cross-Entropy Benchmark, Quantum SuperiorityIt is the point at which a quantum computer will outperform the state-of-the-art regular (or classical) computers.
To be exact teeth Quantum computer?
Quantum computers work with quantum bits, or qubits for short, which are just like regular computer bits, except that their value can be both 0 and 1 simultaneously. This quantum weirdness allows computers to work faster and consider more solutions to a problem than classical computers can. Eventually, quantum computers will be able to: Solving problems that traditional computers cannot solve.
But quantum computers are nothing like ordinary computers because their qubits are often arrays of supercooled atoms. When atoms are cooled to that extent, they enter a quantum state. The moment any one of the qubits is determined to have a fixed value, the quantum state decoheres and quantum operation breaks down. That’s why quantum computers are currently used only in specialized laboratories or laboratory environments.
What does the Quantinuum quantum computer achieve?
The Quantinuum computer is Big achievements in 2019 Google’s Sycamore processor was able to perform in about 200 seconds a task that would take a state-of-the-art traditional supercomputer about 10,000 years.
To achieve this result, the Quantinuum team upgraded their H2-1 processor from a 32-qubit system to a 56-qubit system, dramatically increasing computational power. According to a release from Quantinuum, their quantum computer ran their algorithms using approximately 30,000 times less power than a classical computer would need to perform the same operation.
Importantly, the Quantinum computer achieved a new record in the cross-entropy benchmark, a metric used to compare the performance of different quantum computers. This benchmark measures the power of a quantum system: the noisier the system, the worse the result (closer to 0 than 1). Google’s 2019 cross-entropy benchmark score was about 0.002, while H2-1’s score was about 0.35. “In contrast to previous announcements related to the XEB experiment, 35% is a big step towards the ideal 100% fidelity limit, where the computational superiority of quantum computers becomes clearly visible,” the Quantinum researchers said. releaseTeam the study It is currently hosted on the preprint server arXiv.
What else can quantum computers do?
Quantum computers are a testbed for the future of information – how people store and move data and calculate new information. Last year, another research team demonstrated how a quantum computer could perform calculations. It’s like time travel.
“The experiment we have described seems unsolvable by standard (non-quantum) physics, which follows the ordinary arrow of time,” David Arvidsson-Sukr, a quantum physicist at the University of Cambridge and lead author of the study, told Gizmodo at the time. “That is, it appears that quantum entanglement can generate cases that effectively look like time travel.”
Last year, another team Create a quantum wormholeIt is a portal through which quantum information can travel instantly.
Quantinum has been in the news (no pun intended). In 2022, a team using the Quantinum computer New Phases of Matter A laser is used to shine a quantum bit onto the quantum bits to read the Fibonacci sequence.
Quantum computing may seem like science fiction, as it seems like a strange idea to go beyond classical physics to perform complex calculations. But the systems are getting better and better, and their applications are becoming more diverse (though Some of it is a pipe dreamThough currently limited to research settings, quantum computers are slowly shaping the world of tomorrow.