Microplastics were detected in almost all Seafood samples A recent study found it off the coast of the western US coast, researchers argue.
The study, led by Portland State University (PSU), identified “anthropogenic particles,” a material produced or modified by humans in six different fish edible tissues.
According to a PSU press release, it contained black rockfish, ring cods, chinook salmon, Pacific herring, Pacific Lampley and pink shrimp.
Microplastics found in the overwhelming majority of American meat, water and plants: a study
Specifically, a peer-reviewed study found that microplastics – “small particles that have fallen out of clothing, packaging and other plastic products” – 180 out of 182 seafood samples, purchased in store. Or, Oregon fishing boats, the release mentioned.
Microplastics were detected in almost every seafood sample found off the coast of the western US coast in a recent study, researchers claim. (istock)
The highest concentration of particles was produced in pink shrimp, and the Chinook salmon contained the lowest.
“We found that the small organisms we sampled seemed to be ingesting more artificial and nutrient-free particles,” says Elise Graneck, a researcher and co-author of the study at Microplastics. said in the release.
New research found bottled water containing tens of thousands of “small plastic particles.”
“The shrimp and small fish eat small, like herring. Food Like zooplankton. Other studies have discovered high concentrations of plastic in areas where animal plastics accumulate, and these artificial particles resemble zoo-fed animals, which could potentially be featured in animals feeding zoos. there is. ”
“What we put into the environment will be back on our plates.”
“We are very concerned that microfibers appear to move from the intestine to other tissues, such as muscles,” said Suzanne Blander, an ecotoxicologist and associate professor at Oregon State University’s Agricultural Sciences.
The findings were published in the Frontier of Toxicology.
Is it safe to eat seafood?
The study authors do not recommend that people avoid seafood in particular, as microplastics are widely discovered in other foods, Graneck said in the release.
“If we’re disposing of products that release microplastics, those microplastics go into the environment and are being featured in what we eat,” she said.

Microplastics – “Small particles that have been removed from clothing, packaging products and other plastic products” were found in 180 of 182 seafood samples. (istock)
“What we put into the environment will be back on our plates.”
height Prevalence of microplastics In seafood, Bing Wang, associate professor of food safety risk assessment at the University of Nebraska Lincoln University, says that consuming seafood does not automatically mean that immediate health risks.
“‘Safety’ is the relative term for toxicology,” Wang told Fox News Digital. “Toxicity depends on the dose and duration of exposure. There is currently a lack of clear understanding of the linkage between oral intake of microplastics and nanoplasty and side effects in human health.”
Learning links mental health risks to this toxin for those born in the 60s or 70s
Experts say that the nutritional benefits of seafood such as high-quality proteins and omega-3 fatty acids are Healthy eatingaccording to the king.
“There is no current evidence to suggest that seafood consumption poses an immediate risk to human health,” she added.
Source of contamination
In this study in particular, Wang said it is important to recognize that nanoplasty, beyond microplastics, is also present in the environment and food supply.
“Unlike microplastics, it may pass Digestive system “With minimal absorption, nanoplastics are small enough to cross the biological barriers that include the intestinal lining, potentially reaching the bloodstream and accumulating in organs,” she warned.
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PSU’s findings found that 80% of the microplastics detected between samples came from clothing and fiber fiber, but there are other sources of contaminants.
Plastic production has increased by about 8.7% per year since the 1960s, according to Andrew Ortiz, a doctoral student in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Nebraska Lincoln University.

The study authors do not recommend that people avoid seafood in particular, as microplastics are widely discovered in other foods. (istock)
“Many of the pollution comes from everyday human activities such as inappropriate disposal, dispersal and inadequate waste management systems of plastic products, which means that plastic enters the waterway and ultimately reach the ocean. “It leads to,” Ortiz told Fox News Digital.
Wang emphasized that avoiding microplastics altogether would be challenging.
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“They are spreading in the environment and exist in a variety of food sources, not just seafood,” she said.
“This study is the first of its kind in the Oregon area, but the findings are Global research “On microplastic contamination of seafood,” Wang said. “In fact, the levels reported in this study are within the global average.”
“There is no current evidence to suggest that seafood consumption poses an immediate risk to human health.”
“Given that humans already consume microplastics from multiple sources, including water, air and packaged food, the presence of microplastics in seafood is not as an isolated risk, but in this broad context. should be considered in,” she added.
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The PSU survey was funded by the Oregon Sea grant at Oregon State University.