The Sun continues to emit solar flares during periods of high activity.
Sunspot AR3738 may disappear from our view on the western limb of the Sun, but before that happens it will be emitting powerful X-class radiation. Solar flare the strongest of its kind.
The solar flare from sunspot AR3738 occurred Tuesday morning (July 16). 9:26 AM EDT (13:26 GMT) Shortwave radio blackouts were reported in connection with the latest events, primarily over the Atlantic Ocean, but also observed in parts of Africa, Europe, North and South America.
A solar flare is an outburst of powerful electromagnetic radiation that explodes outward from the Sun. Sunspots When magnetic energy stored in the Sun’s atmosphere is released, it causes flares on the Sun’s surface. These flares are classified into alphabetical groups based on their size. X-class flares, like the two that occurred this week, are the most powerful, followed by M, C, and then the weakest, B. Each of these classes is assigned a number from 1 to 10 (or higher for X-class flares) based on the relative strength of each flare.
A close-up of a solar flare erupting from the Sun on July 16, 2024. (Image courtesy of NASA/SDO)
When a solar flare explodes, the radiation it emits is Earth in Speed of Light As they arrive, they ionize (charge) the upper atmosphere. This charge creates a very dense environment for the high-frequency shortwave radio signals we use to communicate. As radio waves pass through this dense, ionized layer, they experience increased collisions and lose energy. Electronic ,this is Break down or completely absorb Radio signal.
A graphic created by NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center shows the location of radio blackouts that occurred after the sun emitted an X1.9 solar flare on July 16, 2024. (Image courtesy of NOAA/SWPC)
NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) reported There was a radio signal It indicates that a flare was “probably” fired. Coronal mass ejection (CME).
However, due to the current position of sunspots, forecasters do not expect Earth to be on a direct collision course, and SWPC said they would continue to monitor the event as other information comes in. Coronagraph Images will be evaluated as they become available.
A detailed view of the X1.9 solar flare on July 16, 2024, released by NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Center. (Image courtesy of NOAA/SWPC)
Space Weather The location of the large object, AR3738, is approaching the so-called “danger zone.” Parker Spiral Sunspots, swirling regions of the Sun’s magnetic field, connect the Sun to the Earth. As the giant sunspots rotate around the western edge, or limb, of the Sun, Sun When the charged particles that come out of the sunspots, called protons, enter this location they become magnetically coupled with the Earth. The charged particles that come out of the sunspots, called protons, are accelerated to high speeds and travel on this super-fast cosmic highway from the Sun to the Earth.
We saw this This happened in May in historic AR3664. Created Auroras around the world Now all eyes will be on whether this solar explosion could once again send a whirlwind of protons and electrons hurtling towards Earth.