Work is important and requires professionalism, but there are some needs that employees must prioritize over work, and employers must understand this and give employees the freedom to prioritize their needs. Hillary Zinks (@hillary.zinks) She shared the unfortunate events that happened and how her employers at two different jobs responded amazingly. She noted that she works two jobs, one as a full-time job and one as a side hustle. She added that something recently happened that caused her to quit her side job and that she was baffled by the way her employers handled such a dire situation.
Jinks revealed that she received the unfortunate news that her sister was dying while on shift at her day job. “My boss said, ‘Hilary, go home and do whatever you want. Life is not worth this job.'” Despite being a day job, Jinks was surprised by her boss’s concerned reaction. She immediately headed to Las Vegas, Nevada, where her sister was. “I remembered that if my sister was dying, I had a side job that meant nothing to me,” Jinks recalled. She added that when she tried to inform her boss at her side job of her sudden absence, she was treated badly. “Needless to say, I was pissed at the shitty response,” she cried.

To elaborate further, the woman shared screenshots of texts she sent to her boss at her second job. She said she was taking time off because her sister was critically ill and wasn’t sure when she’d be back at work, and she also apologized for missing her shift. “She replied, ‘I understand your situation and I’m really sorry. I’d like to know why you notified me two hours before my shift,'” Jinks read. “Death never comes. It comes suddenly!” she yelled in her mind. Despite her telling her boss that she had to leave at the odd hour of 1 a.m., her boss’s cold response was:

She acknowledged that she sympathized with Jinks’ situation but told her it would be an inconvenience. “It is my job to create a positive work environment for all staff,” she wrote. The manager also explained that it was a tedious job but that they would manage without her. “It will only be harder on the staff who come to work,” she added. Jinks was “infuriated” by the response. The manager sent her condolences and sympathy, but her remarks about coming to work seemed to upset her.

Jinks responded with a stern message explaining that she didn’t care if a few people had to work hard to make ends meet while her sister was dying, and in another message added that she was proud to leave a ignorant and inhumane workplace. Several people supported the woman’s decision, pointing out that having a second job shouldn’t be such an issue. translator “Your career boss is great, but the other boss is crap. As a former manager, I would totally understand,” he wrote. Follow “It’s not their head that makes them feel sorry for being with their dying brother. It’s disgusting,” he added.
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